Business Valuation

Skilled Business Valuation
A valuation of your business or your professional practice is perhaps the most crucial aspect of your high-asset divorce. With so much of your time, effort and assets tied up in a business venture, it makes sense to retain legal counsel experienced in one of the most complicated aspects of a high-asset divorce.
At Harris, Hunt & Derr, P.A., in Tampa and St. Petersburg, we excel at helping our clients with analysis of business valuation issues. You can also benefit from our skill and business acumen from decades of work on high net worth divorces. When valuing a business, we work with a financial specialist to gather pertinent information for them to analyze, including:
- Balance sheets, tax returns and past earnings reports
- Future earning potential
- Assets
- Goodwill
With information from these and other sources, we assist the financial specialist with coming to an equitable valuation that will then be used to inform negotiations or litigation.
Staying Vigilant
With the division or sale of a business a real possibility, a spouse may be tempted to conceal assets through several different ways such as:
- Hiding or transferring assets
- Falsifying revenue or expenses
- Initiate a fraudulent loan to a friend or family member
Our legal team stays vigilant, investigating circumstances around business transactions and advocating for your best interests.
Learn More Today
Give Harris, Hunt & Derr, P.A., a call at (813) 223-5421 to learn more about our premier level of business valuation services. We can be your guide in the divorce process. Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation with one of our lawyers.

“experience, expertise & empathy” - J.F.
“The Best” - J.F.
“Amazing” - Anonymous
Nancy Hutcheson Harris Founder, Shareholder
Joseph D. Hunt Shareholder
Christine L. Derr Shareholder
Katherine C. Scott Shareholder
Nicole M. Gehringer Partner
Cory A. Brandfon Partner
James J. Wimsatt Attorney
Grace M. Samarkos Attorney
M. Tess Bedell Attorney
Cece Ingle Paralegal
Phillip Drake Paralegal
Tracy Reese Paralegal
Laura Holler Operations Manager
Ashley James Executive/Marketing Assistant
Lauren Weismann Legal Assistant
Wanda Alton Receptionist
Jill Gosline Legal Assistant
Jackie Anguiano Legal Assistant
Claudia Guzman Paralegal