St. Pete Office

3 Factors That May Affect Alimony in a High-net-worth Divorce

If you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse have substantial assets, dividing your marital estate during your divorce may present some unique challenges. After all, you may have to address business interests, complex investments, multiple pieces of real property, art collections, and other hard-to-split assets.

Furthermore, judges in the Sunshine State regularly award spousal maintenance, sometimes called alimony, in high-net-worth divorces. Here are three factors that may influence a judge’s decision-making process.

1. The length of your marriage

Under Florida law, marriages that last fewer than seven years are short-term, while those that hit the 17-year mark are long-term. If you are in a long-term marriage, you typically have a better chance of receiving alimony. Still, even if your marriage is comparatively short, you may still be able to convince a judge to award you spousal maintenance.

2. A difference in income

If you and your husband or wife have roughly equal income, a judge may not believe spousal maintenance is necessary for either of you to maintain your standard of living after your divorce. On the other hand, if there is a significant difference in income or future earning potential, you may have a solid argument for alimony.

3. Marital compromise

In many marriages, one spouse agrees to earn money while the other supports the household. If you have stayed home and have not furthered your professional career for the sake of your marriage, a judge is not likely to punish you by withholding spousal maintenance.

Whether you qualify for spousal maintenance probably depends on a careful analysis of both the facts of your marriage and the law. Ultimately, if you can prove alimony is necessary to level your post-divorce playing field, you may boost your chances of receiving it.

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