St. Pete Office

What Is an Uncontested Divorce in Florida?

An uncontested Florida divorce means that all issues pertaining to your matter are agreed to and that there is nothing left for the judge to decide. Those issues may include alimony, child support, visitation, time-sharing, division of property, division of debt, and who is going to pay attorney’s fees. It is certainly less expensive, less time-consuming, and less aggravating to come to an agreement on all issues. 

According to eDivorce, it is possible to agree on some issues with your spouse and have the judge decide the rest. Make sure that your lawyer is experienced and that you are comfortable with him or her. The lawyer should further advise you of what your rights and responsibilities are. Unless there are absolutely no financial issues that need to be addressed, each party will fill out a financial affidavit, which will list income, monthly expenses, assets, and liabilities. If children are involved, a child support worksheet will be used to calculate child support pursuant to the Florida child support formula. Each party will be required to attend the children and divorce seminar, which is online. 

Further, a Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act statement must be filed with the court when children are involved. That affidavit indicates, as to each child, where they have lived and who they have lived with in the last number of years. More importantly, a parenting plan must be filed with the court that you sign after agreeing upon a time-sharing schedule and other matters related to the minor children. It is a lengthy document that will define not only time sharing but other matters pertaining to the children, such as other interactions with each parent. The document will pertain to property, child-related issues, and the like. 

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